Wild Thing

May 8th, 2010

I thought Katya was looking sooo sexy! –  in her All Saints shoes, Tabio tights and those naughty Dorothy Perkins socks. The skirt and lace top, are by American Apparel, the accessories are from Russia.

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11 Responses to “Wild Thing”

  1. Cecylia Says:

    Yeah she’s hot and cute

  2. Wild Thing : Says:

    […] the rest here: Wild Thing […]

  3. Esther Says:

    wow i gather (from your tags) that she’s a model? if she’s not that would a great pity! this outfit is totally awesome & sexy

  4. Wayne Says:

    Hi Esther, That’s right Katia is a model and a fine one at that!

  5. Shhh Says:

    Those socks really make this whole outfit. I love the belt too


  6. cro0ked teeth Says:

    Oh she is beautiful! I wish I was taller, I love her outfit… gorgeous. gorgeous. gorgeous.

  7. Eveline Says:

    What a face

  8. Sparkles Says:

    Wow, amazing outfit!

  9. TorontoVerve Says:

    Great set of photos…


  10. Kylie Batt Says:

    Охотно принимаю. На мой взгляд, это актуально, буду принимать участие в обсуждении. Вместе мы сможем прийти к правильному ответу….

    I thought Katya was looking sooo sexy! –  in her All Saints shoes, Tabio tights and those naughty Dorothy Perkins socks…..

  11. Tatiana Says:

    80’s rock’n’roll:) Russia is the mother land for the most beautifyl ladies:)

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