Kids Play

May 8th, 2010

Fashion student Geoffrey is a big fan of Comme des Garcons. Geoffrey says, ” I don’t like to fit the norm, so I wear Comme des Garcons – a lot of the details are really cute”.

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5 Responses to “Kids Play”

  1. Chloe Says:

    Love this combo so much. Great eye!

  2. Kids Play : Says:

    […] the original post:  Kids Play […]

  3. sofiasophie Says:

    love that mix, he plays very elegantly with the checks….

  4. ** Says:

    Geoffery! I love you!!!

  5. Kylie Batt Says:

    Большое спасибо за объяснение, теперь я буду знать….

    Fashion student Geoffrey is a big fan of Comme des Garcons…..

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