Show Down

August 1st, 2009

Aaron Christian is Mens Consultant at Individualism making men more stylish,  is the tag line for their popular style blog and consultancy. As ‘Mens Personal Style Consultant’ Aaron certainly lives up to his name and reputation as an arbiter of men’s style. Aaron was wearing Zara chinos, Supra trainers, and a fabulous touch of designer-wear, with his Rene Gurskov Jacket. The whole look is finished off with a cravat he bought for  a £1:00 at Spitafileds Market.

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7 Responses to “Show Down”

  1. rene gurskov Says:

    really cool…

  2. Gourmet fall/winter '09 launch party @ Goodhood - style - coolography Says:

    […] [..and doing it well! Aaron at Individualism picked out by street style photographer Wayne Tippet] […]

  3. Stonerindiekid Says:

    I don’t agree this time. I sadly think he looks like he’s walked into a West End charity shop blind. The Rene Guskov jacket looks, as I would say in my lingo, LAAAAME!

  4. Wayne Says:

    OK thanks for the input. I think that it is very important that I get a range of opinions on the blog and thanks again for yours.

  5. Sheena Says:

    I think Aaron works it, but with that red background, he looks more like a caricature of himself, like a cowboy in a Bollywood western (yes they exist!) flick.

  6. Goodhood Gourmet A/W launch | individualism Says:

    […] Just over a week ago individualism was handed an invitation to check out the new A/W collection from NY footwear company Gourmet. Being massive personal fans of their designs we couldn’t resist heading down there with our cameras to see what we could catch. While forcing our cameras down every possible persons face we bumped into our friends over at Coolography. They managed to snap some pretty cool picks of the event, even managing to cathing myself getting photographed by London style blogger Wayne Tippett. […]

  7. Goodhood Gourmet A/W launch | individualism Says:

    […] While forcing our handheld in every possible persons’ face, we bumped into our friends over at Coolography. They snapped some pretty cool pics of the event, even managing to catch myself getting photographed by London style blogger Wayne Tippett. […]

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