Street Legal

December 3rd, 2009

Arturo runs a fashionable shop in Spain called the Chic and the cheap. Arturo is wearing trousers and jacket  by Antony Footsore Morato, his boots are by Proof Cap.

5 Responses to “Street Legal”

  1. Cristina Says:

    Oh, wonderful guy!

  2. Wayne Tippetts Photography » Blog Archive » Street Legal Says:

    […] View original here:  Wayne Tippetts Photography » Blog Archive » Street Legal […]

  3. Street Legal : Says:

    […] rest is here: Street Legal […]

  4. smilla Says:


  5. TheIndieKid Says:

    I’m sorry the first time I saw that, I thought “Douchebag!” I still do now! It looks like somebody trying too hard to impress.

    That jacket is horrendous.

    That hat is ugly.

    Those sunglasses are awful.

    The jeans are a terrible fit.

    The boots don’t match the rest of the style.


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