Paris – Lily Mcmenamy

October 7th, 2013





While I was photographing the strikingly beautiful and unique looking model Lily Mcmenamy, the photographers surrounding me where shouting, “she’s the ugly one”, to which Lily replied, while strutting her stuff hands  aloft, “Yes I’m the ugly one!” I find it rather sad and depressing that most people seem to be hard-wired and brainwashed to believe in the perceived notions of beauty, conforming to a certain geometry of the face. Not that any of this bothers Lily who has appeared in recent campaigns for both Marc Jacobs and Benetton. Viva Lily! Vive la différence!

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3 Responses to “Paris – Lily Mcmenamy”

  1. Bree Says:

    I can’t believe that anyone would be so abhorrently rude as to shout out “she’s the ugly one”. that is some ugly behaviour right there. It saddens me to think that so many people are unable to think beyond the traditional notion of beauty… have we learnt nothing about the beauty of diversity? I am so pleased that she stood up for herself… who ever thinks they have a right to criticise someone’s appearance needs to have a good long think about what kind of a person they are, and what kind of world we are creating where being beautiful in a unique way is unacceptable. What message is this sending to young people everywhere? anyway, great work Wayne and hats off to Lily. Bree

  2. Immy Says:

    She is not ugly! How rude and arrogant of those photographers. Most people would sell an arm and a leg to look like her, myself included. 100% agreed Wayne Vive la différence! Also, very nice pictures taken. I love how you captured her in the second one.

  3. shesaidsomething Says:

    This is ridiculous. My nose is not “typically” attractive and I would not change it. I believe in having a healthy body but I will not let a bunch of business people tell me what is beautiful, and how to change myself to fit that mold.

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