Paris – Tony Yaacoub & Alejandro Carlin

April 7th, 2012

While in Paris I had the opportunity to shoot an impromptu fashion editorial style shot by designers, Lebanese Tony Yaacoub and Mexican Alejandro Carlin. Models Amandine and Carla were taking a break from a presentation of the designers work when I took this shot on Rue de Rivoli.

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4 Responses to “Paris – Tony Yaacoub & Alejandro Carlin”

  1. Catherine Says:


  2. Stylefig Says:

    This is a great shot, amazing feminine and strong. Love the styling. Are always telling my clients everyday should be a party or at least wear something you really love!

  3. Karla Rojo de la Vega Says:

    Love it, great pic!

  4. tony Says:

    that hottt i really like

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