London – Hard And Soft

January 5th, 2011

Art Student Chloe revealed to me that she borrows clothes from her 3 brothers-the cardigan Chloe is wearing was from one of her brothers. Chloe also mentioned that she had been influenced by Asian culture-note the Bindi on Chloe’s forehead. I simply love Chloe’s cool relaxed look, that manages to be both hard and soft.  Chloe describes her style as modern- retro.

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8 Responses to “London – Hard And Soft”

  1. IN TERMS OF ME Says:

    love these shots!

  2. the nyanzi report Says:

    I like Chloe’s approach to fashion – fearless and adventurous.

  3. George Says:

    She has such flawless skin!!!

  4. franca maisha Says:

    wow her style surely is amazing! love it!!


  5. Emy Koster Says:

    Wow. Great outfit!! I love borrowing my boyfriends clothes, and her brothers sweater looks awesome! Chloe has good taste;)

  6. Kerry Says:

    Goodness she is just beautiful! That smile could stop anyone in their tracks. And what an original style to boot!

  7. fashion geek Says:

    this look is just too cool, i love going around london just watching people’s style!

  8. Wendy Says:

    These are stunning Chloe!

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