White Wash

August 5th, 2010

Photographers agent Gabriel is wearing a Reiss jacket, shirt by AA, trousers by Acne and the shoes are from office. Gabriel says his style is influenced by his father and being born and raised in Berlin.

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5 Responses to “White Wash”

  1. mat Says:

    like the suit with the white shoes, feels really modern

  2. Wayne Says:

    Thanks Mat, I think you are right, Gabriel is a modern Guy, living in Berlin as a photographers agent.

  3. Sing Says:

    Love this.

  4. diane Says:


  5. BROADWAY MARKET - Gabriel Schauf - ArtSchoolVets Says:

    […] Na da hat sich ja das Wochenende in London ja aus Sicht des Narzissten gelohnt. Kaum zwei Minuten auf dem Broadway Market, das Epizentrum des Londonstyles, hat mich der Photograph Wayne Tippetts angesprochen und fotografiert. […]

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