Pantaloon Partners

April 27th, 2010

MJ and Marine are wearing clothes by designer Alex Seroge Ignatian. Alex channels the spirit of Middle Eastern, Persian culture in his work.

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7 Responses to “Pantaloon Partners”

  1. Caroline Says:

    I love the rusty orange coloured scarf.

  2. Pantaloon Partners : Says:

    […] the rest here: Pantaloon Partners […]

  3. Cecylia Says:

    The girl on the top photo wore it better

  4. Marine Says:

    Thank you very much Cecylia!!!! Nice pict, Thank you again. Marine

  5. danielle Says:

    I love these outfits!!! Both girls have very unusal interesting faces. Where did you find them?

  6. MiA Says:

    I love the first outfit. Great picture!

  7. Marine Says:


    Thank you Danielle is very nice comment, it will make my day better!!;-)

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