Translucency (AFW)

April 21st, 2010

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8 Responses to “Translucency (AFW)”

  1. Translucency (AFW) : Says:

    […] more here:  Translucency (AFW) […]

  2. Mimi Says:

    Sick outfit!

  3. Davidikus Says:

    It looks more like transparency than translucency to me! She must have been freezing her tits off, quite literally!

    Great pictures.

  4. Fred Says:

    Oh my God !
    Wayne !!!

  5. Caroline Says:

    who even WEARS that? Seriously?!

  6. Fred Says:

    This girl wears it Caroline !

    Easy Fashion Paris

  7. ahmad Says:

    mmmm….she looks beautiful and has a wonderful tone too her skin wow

  8. Sora Says:

    That queen has no clothes on.

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