London – Grey Strokes

December 24th, 2009

I love the way Daisy works the subtle range of tones in her outfit, with a really smart pleated skirt from Next and a fine pair of boots by Jones.

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8 Responses to “London – Grey Strokes”

  1. Grey Strokes : Says:

    […] post: Grey Strokes […]

  2. Ljubica Says:

    wow, i really love this outfit.. i love the tone on tone and the stole! great photo

  3. sofiasophie Says:

    she is definitively cool!

  4. Genya Says:

    Hi Wayne. Wishing you a happy, creative and successful new year!

    I love those photos – her sense of layering and texture is amazing.

    Could I please illustrate?



  5. Wayne Says:

    Hi Genya. Wishing you a happy new year too.

  6. Genya Says:

    Thank you! I am done with the illustration:

    You are great! keep it up.



  7. Eyeliah Says:

    I featured and linked your photo on my blog here, hope that’s okay! 🙂 Eyeliah

  8. Wayne Says:

    Thanks for the mention. Keep up the good work.

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