Bengt Show – Autumn Reflections

October 2nd, 2009

Autumn leaves were falling and were the theme of Autumn Reflections at The Idea generation, when I popped down to Shoreditch for BENGT earlier this week, for their newly launched online boutique. Showcasing the work of young new British designers, BENGT is the brainchild of business partners Eva Evers and Sereena Powell.  BENGT collaborates and nurtures fresh new creative talent from the very best of British. Check out the new site @

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4 Responses to “Bengt Show – Autumn Reflections”

  1. Bengt Show : Says:

    […] post:  Bengt Show […]

  2. Bengt Show - Autumn Reflections : Says:

    […] original here:  Bengt Show – Autumn Reflections […]

  3. amanda Says:

    i want it

  4. Wayne Says:

    Hi Amanda
    There is a link to the Bengt website in the post. So hopefully you can get it.

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