Shoe Zoo – LFW 09:09 Christian Louboutin

September 27th, 2009

I love Christian Louboutins shoes and they inspired me to start Shoe Zoo. I mentioned this to Christian when I snapped him arriving at Somerset House, and he said he was flattered – wow what a modest man. Christian Louboutins shoes are so sexy and stylish at the same time -, which is a hard act to pull off. Coincidently on the same day I photographed these fabulous Louboutin shoes – a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

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2 Responses to “Shoe Zoo – LFW 09:09 Christian Louboutin”

  1. Shoe Zoo - LFW 09:09 Christian Louboutin : Says:

    […] the original here:  Shoe Zoo – LFW 09:09 Christian Louboutin […]

  2. manolo shoes Says:

    I like christian louboutin shoes,too.

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