London Fashion Week 09:09

September 20th, 2009

This the fabulously stylish Marian Kihogo. Marian is a stylist and writer for the French magazine Dirrtyglam which is packed with oodles of unban chic fashion,style, music and much much more.. Marian also runs a popular blog, so check it out.

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5 Responses to “London Fashion Week 09:09”

  1. London Fashion Week 09:09 : Says:

    […] rest is here:  London Fashion Week 09:09 […]

  2. Wayne Tippetts Photography » Blog Archive » London Fashion Week 09:09 Says:

    […] See the rest here:  Wayne Tippetts Photography » Blog Archive » London Fashion Week 09:09 […]

  3. Lana Says:

    oh m gosh i love marian! she looks amazing in both outfits.she is the nicest blogger ever!

  4. lulu Says:

    I just stumbled on your site but really like capture some amazing shots. Marian(in blue peg pants) is so so so stylish and her client Tolula Adeyemi who is in the first image with her is my fave model,she’s like a muse to vivienne westwood. they look amazing!!
    her blog rocks,check it out for yourself I met her at fashion week,she was running late for a show but still made time for me.
    Will subscribe to your site.

  5. stylelover Says:

    did you take any more photos of the girl in the cobalt blue trousers? her shoe are fierce!

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