Boundary Street

April 12th, 2022

When I approached Micheal, who teaches Philosophy and Religion at a school, he had just had breakfast at Dishoom with his partner and “newborn” baby. I asked Micheal what he would like to see change about the world. He told me that he would like to see people “being more introspective-we tend to see each-other on a surface level, but there is a lot more to us than that. We need to cultivate a practice of inner-sight, and see what’s going on more, be distracted less, and use meditative practices”.

Michael says his personal style is influenced by his partner who suggested he wear the yellow satchel today, to add a pop of colour to his outfit.

Micheal goes on to tell me that he was heavily influenced by the works of the visionary polymath William Blake, and that people should “read more and engage the mind. “There are visual and optical illusions, but so much more to see with language and literature that trigger certain states of mind” I’m sure William Blake would approve.

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