London – Street Life

August 23rd, 2013


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4 Responses to “London – Street Life”

  1. hilda Says:

    She looks perfect, and so beautifully at ease. (So much of fashion the last five or so years have achieved the complete opposite – shockingly unflattering in the most uninteresting ways and wearers generally look excruciatingly pinched and pudgy, even models sometimes, in fabrics that anyone who lived through the eighties would welcome back as much as misogyny. I don’t get it, I’m sure you’d say, and you’d be absolutely right.) Do I remember this post saying it was Bloomsbury – or did I just make that up because it’s my dream neighborhood at the moment? Thanks for another inspiring picture, Wayne.

    *(M. Prada never seems guilty of this but then, she’s intelligent and a real artist; neither was A. McQueen, also an intelligent, true artist – even when I didn’t want to wear one of his designs, I was blown over by the talent and originality.)

  2. Wayne Says:

    Hi Hilda
    Thanks so much for taking the time and giving me your intelligent insights, its so refreshing to get comments that are so well thought out.

  3. hilda Says:

    Thanks very much for your kind note and the inspiration, Wayne (and allowing my comments). Your blog has become part of the magic of my visit to London last August and what lingers (glimmering).

  4. Wayne Says:

    Hi Hilda, Im so glad that you enjoy and get pleasure from my photos, comments like yours are the driving force for my work.

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