London – LCM – Street Life

June 18th, 2012

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7 Responses to “London – LCM – Street Life”

  1. Lauren@Styleseer Says:

    The pink jacket/orange tie combination is wonderful.

  2. MoreThanTweed Says:

    Lovely. Not sure I could pull it off, but it’d be fun to try.

  3. alicia Says:

    I can appreciate a man who can rock pastels. Props to these dapper souls!

  4. Clive Allen Says:

    A friend posted this to me, thank you Alicia the dapper souls would be myself and Sam, cheers Wayne you could have stopped us and shot instead I have relaxed jaw face.

  5. Wayne Says:

    Hi Clive I am happy with the shot, I would not have posted If I was not. it’s obviously a candid shot, therefore no need to stop you, which would have been a very different shot. As a photojournalist I pride myself on capturing moments. I also was looking at the scene as a whole, so all the elements have to work and I think they work very well.

  6. Clive Allen Says:

    I was just joking with you Wayne it is a great shot, in particular the wood element from the heel of the shoes to the windows and chairs work well together. I was more taking the mick out of myself rather than the image itself.

  7. Wayne Says:

    Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I realise it is very difficult looking at photos of yourself at times.

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