London – Walter Hugo – Soul Searching

April 29th, 2012

I spotted Photo-artist Walter Hugo on Berwick street market and was totally fascinated by Walters jacket. Walter tells me that he was wearing a collaboration limited edition jacket, by the cycling gear brand Rapha and a Saville Row tailor. The jacket is 100 % waterproof and combines technical fabrics, the lining is made for wetsuit material, utilizing an innovative design, while remaining stylish. I particularly liked the back pocket detail of the jacket.

Walters current project utilizes a room sized camera, which he built himself using an 18th century lens. Walter then exposes on to an over-sized  piece of glass, developing a silver nitrate coated one-off ambrotype positive. Walters sitters range from fashion designers, actors, singers, politicians to astronauts. The various luminaries have to sit without blinking for up to 10 seconds, while Walter makes the exposure. The series of images is soon to be concluded and will consist of 50 soul-searching portraits, reminiscent of the work by Victorian photographer Julia Margret  Cameron. Overall the effect is somewhat eerie, while Hugo attempts to go beyond mere facsimile, to reveal every detail of his sitter, perhaps even giving us a glimpse into the human soul…

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