Sussex – On The Road Again

January 28th, 2012

Back in the summer of 1992 I was on the road with the journalist Jan Moir for The Weekend Guardian, covering a photo story about New Age Travellers. I had spent the best part of the summer travelling around the south west of England, going to music festivals, trying to capture the essence of New Age traveller culture. The police had started to move in and raid some of the free festivals and raves set up by travellers, so it became a big news story at the time-which is why Jan and I were driving around the sussex countryside in August of 1992 in search of field full of New Age Travellers for a Weekend Guardian cover story. After negotiating our way past a police cordon, we managed to negotiate our way into the field. I decided it would be best to stay the night in a travellers van, in order to capture a true reflection of life on the road as a New Age Traveller. I remember it poured with rain all day and night and things were pretty miserable and I started to regret not staying in a nice warm hotel with Jan. But in the boring the the rain had stopped and I was able to take some great shots, including this one of the lady in the colour block  overalls blending chameleon-like into her bus.  

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8 Responses to “Sussex – On The Road Again”

  1. Lauren@Styleseer Says:

    Great shot – love it!

  2. Dana Says:

    Hi Wayne! What a cool story. I would so love to see the rest of those photos and read the piece. Where can I get my hands on it?

  3. Wayne Says:

    Hi Dana, thanks for your interest. I guess the Guardian and Observer archive would be your best bet to see the rest of the photos and read the story.

  4. Traveller Dave Says:

    Hi Wayne , could I add this photo to my Traveller Homes website ? (crediting it to you of course )
    regards Dave

  5. Wayne Says:

    Hi Dave, sure thing no problem.

  6. pauly Jones Says:

    Hi Wayne, I was living on the site in W. Sussex where the pic was taken. Any chance of any copies? Ta

  7. Wayne Says:

    Hi Pauly thanks for getting in touch and well remembered. You are welcome to re-post on social media using the buttons provided below each post.

  8. pauly Jones Says:

    You stayed in Sue’s freshly painted van if I remember rightly. Myself & Julie had bus next door.

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