Jamaica – Scrapbook

December 18th, 2011

Last weekend I received a request to show more of my Jamaican photos, by one of my Jamaican readers. So I have put together a little scrapbook of images from my time in Jamaica. These images are taken from the 80s, 90s and 00s. The top two images were taken in Kingston  from my Dancehall series and the bottom two are images respectively, are of men playing cards and bingo in Spanish Town. I hope you enjoy.

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3 Responses to “Jamaica – Scrapbook”

  1. Englishvers Says:

    I especially love the images of the men playing cards and bingo. Happy Christmas, Wayne;-)

  2. mrdavidPOP Says:

    so daring, very Avant-Garde in its own right.

  3. kd Says:

    Love this! Gotta reblog this!

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