Paris – Rosy Bubble

October 2nd, 2011

Susie Lau is wearing a lovely mix of creamy whites, pinks and monotones with a beautiful rosy patterned top. Taken shortly before the Dries Van Nouton show, held at the Trocadero.

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5 Responses to “Paris – Rosy Bubble”

  1. Lauren Says:

    Wonderful mix of colors and textures here, all beautifully layered.

    The Styleseer

  2. Judy Says:

    It’s not Rosy, it’s Susie. Great photo.

  3. Wayne Says:

    Hi Judy thanks for your comment. I have photographed Susie Lau many times and if you follow my blog you will notice that I use quirky titles with my photos. Also if you read the caption you will see that I mention Susie and her fantastic blog.

  4. The Photodiarist Says:

    This is a great one of her. One I haven’t seen on all the other blogs. Bravo!!

  5. Judy Says:

    I’m so sorry Wayne!! I just read the caption and wrote the comment right away without thinking about the pun intended. Thanks for clearing it up anyway. This is a great blog. =)

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