Paris – Take The Plunge

August 22nd, 2011

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5 Responses to “Paris – Take The Plunge”

  1. Lauren Says:

    It’s a pretty dress, but would be more chic if it were closed up a bit on top.

    The Styleseer

  2. Heather Fonseca Says:

    Wow! And the skirt is sheer too. I like the juxtaposition between the rather conservative shape of the dress with the see-through elements and plunging neckline.

  3. Jennifer Says:

    Blimey – she’s brave! One for the boys methinks ;o)

  4. Fab Fashion Daily Says:

    Love the peplum styling of the dress–too much plunge though! A scarf would remedy this!

  5. Double impact | Are You A Fashionista? Says:

    […] This look was snapped during Paris fashion week by Wayne Tippets. […]

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