Paris – Paris Match

July 27th, 2011

Uliana Sergienko after Stephan Rolland couture show. Trocadero.

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6 Responses to “Paris – Paris Match”

  1. María Galán Says:


  2. Sing Says:

    So stunning!

  3. Claire Says:

    Stunning pic – is she not one of the most stylish ladies out there at the mo x

  4. Fanny Nordmark Says:

    Beautiful skirt shirt combination!

  5. I love Fridays » Mrs. Amber Apple - Everyday is a Holiday, wear the brightest red lipstick you can find! Says:

    […] Speaking of fashion, here’s some more inspiration for your weekend! 1. Check out her make up and hair! 2. This dress. 3. Yes. I need everything, she looks stunning! […]

  6. hilda Says:

    I love the bustle (or bustle look)! It’s great to a see a wealthy person with real taste, and a sense of style / originality. Does she dress herself or should we be crediting a stylist? I have no idea how women like that live. Their opportunities for real beauty so often seem completely wasted to me – they seem to have no real connection to the expensive things they wear, whereas she always looks so genuinely, sweetly happy in her outfits.

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