Paris – White Hot

April 5th, 2011

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5 Responses to “Paris – White Hot”

  1. CURB APPEAL Says:

    OOH, “heart” this SO much! Fabulous coat and perfectly washed denim. Beautiful shot sir 😉


  2. Marthe Says:

    I love this photo 🙂 Could it be Norwegian model Iselin Steiro?

  3. Wayne Says:

    I’m not sure if it is Iselin, but do let me know please, anyone who might know.

  4. Brigadeiro Says:

    Oh my! That coat seriously made my heart pitter patter (how sad! haha), and then same when I scrolled down and saw the Chloe boots, L O V E !

  5. martins Says:

    I think is her and I need coat like that …

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