LFW – Men’s Day Mr Start

February 23rd, 2011

I popped along to see “Mr Start“, who had its first presentation as part of The London Fashion Week, Men’s Fashion Day, held at 1 Aldwich.

“Mr Start was launched in 2008 on the back of the highly successful women’s Start boutique, which was started in 2002 with his wife Brix Smith Start. Philip sights Mr Start as his most satisfying achievement to date. Philip Start says “Mr Start is Modern and architectural and is the definition of Shoreditch Luxury”. For me this look is also a little roguish-Artful Dodger, edgy and self assured.

Philip tells me that he is a big fan of James Bond, and I can see a strong “license to kill”, element coming through too – shaken but definitely not stirred!

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One Response to “LFW – Men’s Day Mr Start”

  1. The Style Scout Says:

    Just Twitt’ed @Brixsmithstart to let her know that you had taken this great photo… Robt.

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