London – Travelling Light

November 17th, 2010

Auizelia had just got off a plane from Berlin and had picked up this handy sized travel bag in London.

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7 Responses to “London – Travelling Light”

  1. Cecylia Says:

    Ah the perfect overnight bag!

  2. IN TERMS OF ME Says:

    I need one of those!

  3. Davidikus Says:

    That is what I would call a large overnight bag but it looks rather good!

  4. Sing Says:

    What a stylish travel outfit.

  5. stephanie Says:

    great blog!
    hope you can check mine out

  6. Wayne Says:

    Sure Steph, had a look, love that bike shoot. Thanks!

  7. Travelling Light - POPBEE Says:

    […] 不知道大家旅行的時候,會不會跟我一樣煩惱要選擇什麼樣子的打扮比較好呢?圖片中這個女生的搭配看起來好舒服喔~帽子可以蓋住凌亂的頭髮,簡單的t-shirt和寬鬆的褲子也很適合搭飛機!而且她很聰明的是搭配了西裝外套和brogues,立刻把整個look提升成很stylish!一下飛機就變身成很chic的人,可以馬上趕行程去逛街了!哈哈![via] […]

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