Paris – Vamp Camp

November 12th, 2010

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12 Responses to “Paris – Vamp Camp”


    Love, love, love the bird skirt. Wonderful.
    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  2. Cecylia Says:


  3. Jasmin Says:

    I love the makeup! Beautiful photos!

  4. The Photodiarist Says:

    Wow . . . the first two are pretty incredible. I can easily see them featured in a magazine – especially the second. Beautiful.

  5. spela Says:

    omg love the last look

    one of my favorites photoblogs!

    come by

  6. Wayne Says:

    Thank you!

  7. the nyanzi report Says:

    oooh i love this. the first and second are killer, uummmh, who i’m i kidding, all of them are killer!
    great collection you got here W.

  8. Nadine Says:

    May I add the first photo to my blog? I blog for myself, and I don’t think many people will see it. 😉

  9. Wayne Says:

    Thanks for asking

    Yes you may add my photo, but please add a link with a credit.

  10. christinachan Says:

    The first photo is the best. But I also like the one of the woman in the full blue jumpsuit and the blonde hair. I think she is Asian? Which makes me like it even more because I’ve been (pardon the pun) dying to dye my hair that color xxx

  11. AnnMarie Says:

    Love the third photo – the blue jumpsuit and boots work great together and her hair is fabulous.
    Great shots

  12. Biaa Says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the toucan skirt!

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