London – Mica

November 11th, 2010

Mica is a studio manager for a web design company in Shoreditch, and I thought Mica looked so cool, cute and warm, all wrapped up and ready for winter.

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4 Responses to “London – Mica”

  1. christinachan Says:

    Beautiful but I wonder how she manages to walk around with no laces?! xxx

  2. IN TERMS OF ME Says:

    My envision of London, a own sense of style..

  3. Sing Says:

    So fun and unique!

  4. Heather Fonseca Says:

    I love everything about the shot – from the blue in her skirt to the blue wall with the logo behind her. Her fur jacket is fabulous, but the taken together the whole outfit is so quirky and chic.

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