Paris – Jardin des Tuileries

November 5th, 2010

I think the red clutch works so well against the grey jumpsuit, in a very subtle way.

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11 Responses to “Paris – Jardin des Tuileries”

  1. valentina Says:

    i like this.
    but jardin is spelled with an I not an E…

  2. T Says:

    One of the loveliest jumpsuits I’ve ever seen.

  3. Sing Says:

    Fantastic jumpsuit and shoes, she looks great.

  4. Wayne Says:

    Sorry for the small typo, all corrected.

  5. Anna Says:

    Loooove that outfit. So chill but still so cool!

  6. christinachan Says:

    I love this photo xxx

  7. franca maisha Says:

    oh I’ve seen her before… she’s amazing!


  8. the nyanzi report Says:

    i conquer.


    Saw this. Love every stitch of it. I love the angle that you got of this!

  10. Yuliya Says:

    I love ♥

  11. Rose Says:

    Really stunning. Just gorgeous. And great inspiration for us not-so-tall girls… 🙂

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