Paris – Palais de Tokyo

October 22nd, 2010

This is Jane Keltner De Valle, fashion news director of Teen Vogue. Jane looked so fabulous that I had to get her to push the pause button for just a moment, in-between her hectic schedule of shows.

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9 Responses to “Paris – Palais de Tokyo”


    Love the skirt and the bag!!!

  2. Fashion Berlin Says:

    She looks absolutely fabulous!

  3. the nyanzi report Says:

    absolutely fantastic!
    excellent taste.
    nice one W.

  4. FashionLifeCoach Says:

    Her A-line skirt in that yellowish autumnal colorway is a piece to die for.Just fab.

  5. Sing Says:

    Very nice, love the coat and bag.

  6. christina Says:

    Amazing outfit. Love the color of the skirt! xxx

  7. Natalia Georgala Says:

    love the furry coat!

  8. Fashionistable Says:

    I like this very much. Brilliant Wayne, well done. Xxxx

  9. Lizzy Conroy Says:

    Jane – As always, you are so beautifully dressed. I need to take a page out of your style book. The French should be jealous!

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