Paris – La Seine

October 7th, 2010

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11 Responses to “Paris – La Seine”

  1. Cecylia Says:

    She is just adorable.

  2. mariagalan Says:

    I love her style!!!!

  3. Mita Says:

    What a beautiful picture!

  4. FashionLifeCoach Says:

    I really like her secure styling of different materials like sheer fabric and fur.And all in black/white.

  5. the nyanzi report Says:

    She’s got an angellic aura about her in this picture.

  6. AstaNord Says:

    that is gorgeus! 🙂

  7. Sing Says:

    Magical. I want to know where this lady is going, who she is.

  8. Julie Says:

    That dress is just remarkable. I love the see-through top half with white roses and the feathery bottom. Goes together so well.

  9. stephanie Says:

    love your blog!

  10. linalia Says:

    gorgeous girl, gorgeous background!

  11. Toma Says:

    She obviously liked the photo that much that she put it as a profile picture on one of the websites. What a better way to say ‘thank you’ to the photographer than to show that you like and appreciate the picture!

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