Milan – Fur-ever

September 26th, 2010

10 Responses to “Milan – Fur-ever”

  1. the nyanzi report Says:


  2. NS Says:

    Why are you promoting fur?

  3. FashionLifeCoach Says:

    Feminine class.@ NS: I think Wayne is far away of promoting fur…

  4. Wayne Says:

    Yes I am fur away from promoting fur, woops! I mean far away from promoting fur. Anyway this vintage fur was produced a long time ago. I can’t stop women looking elegant and wearing fur, that’s not my job. My job is simply to try and take beautiful and interesting photos.

  5. Bella Q Says:

    I don’t think I’d ever buy new fur. But I’ll admit, I do love the look, and own a few vintage pieces. They should be treasured.

    What an elegant young woman. Fur-ever glamourous.

  6. NS Says:

    Trying not to be judgmental, but vintage or no vintage a crime was done. Collecting vintage pieces can’t ever justify wearing fur.

    She does look amazing, and that makes it even worse.

  7. joe Says:

    HI wayne I’m the LUCKY father of the elegant young woman on the picture …congratulation for your photo …good shot !! bye joe

  8. Wayne Says:

    Hi Joe I’m so glad you like the shot. Thanks for the comment.

  9. Timeless Chic Says:

    what can I say? timeless chic!

  10. Emma Says:

    gorgeous outfit and the fur is fabulous

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