Milan Fashion Week – Protection

September 23rd, 2010

It’s the start of Milan Fashion Week and the light is amazing and it’s really warm! – it was almost freezing when I left London. Miriam is head buyer for Harrods Woman’s wear and has got some tight protection from Milan’s really friendly policemen, who were only too happy to pose for this photo.

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5 Responses to “Milan Fashion Week – Protection”

  1. Cecylia Says:

    Love her sleek style and her big tote!

  2. Jasmin Says:

    really sleek and elegant!

  3. FashionLifeCoach Says:

    The photo is worth a smile. The Italian men are just gorgous. When I lived in Milan, it was a lot of fun, you can bet.

  4. TorontoVerve Says:

    Great set up.

  5. sofiasophie Says:

    the pic is amazing!

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